I love the sea. I love high tide. I love Jersey. And I’m passionate about HR. So calling my business High Tide HR just seemed to not only reflect my love of salt water and my passion for my profession but was also a subtle reference to my beautiful Island home.

On a recent holiday I bought a sticker that says ‘salt water cures everything’ and I can’t say I disagree, salt water is my happy place.

I’m an island girl and I’ve always been drawn to the water.  Growing up I was an active member of Jersey Swimming Club and with my team mates, we trained and competed in galas at Fort Regent year round.  In the summer months races were held in Havre de Pas bathing pool, with distances ranging from 50 to 1500 metres.  I also took part in the annual Castle to Harbour and Green Island to Havre des Pas swims.  I represented Jersey at the Island Games and won a silver and bronze medal.  Swimming was a massive part of my childhood and my love of the water continues to this day.