High Tide HR specialises in the creation of people policies, regardless of your company size or sector.

(sometimes called HR Policies)

Each people policy should set out your organisation’s principles, commitments, or rules on a given topic, for example, flexible or hybrid working. This would be followed by a procedure, which gives instructions on how to implement the policy in your organisation.

Having clear, well-written, robust people policies and procedures can ensure that your people are treated fairly, consistently and without bias. They can also ensure that you act within the boundaries of any legal or regulatory requirements relevant to your sector, protecting you from claims such as unfair dismissal. Exceptional people policies can reflect your culture and values and make your organisation stand out from the crowd.

I have worked in HR for more than two decades and I know that HR colleagues rarely find quiet, quality time to work on developing their people policies, more often than not we draft them on ‘the side of the desk’ alongside strategic priorities and business as usual. So let me prepare them for you.

Whether you want:

  • an off-the-shelf HR policy template to reflect best practice and ensure compliance with local employment and discrimination law,

  • a bespoke policy to reflect your culture or values, and enhance your Employee Value Proposition

  • an existing policy reviewed, or

  • to introduce a new policy to cover scenarios that have arisen since the pandemic, I can help you.

    Please get in touch for a chat about how I can support your business.

Some examples of people policies you may wish to review or introduce might include:

Flexible working
Hybrid working
Diversity, equality and inclusion
Supporting wellbeing and attendance
Supporting menopause in the workplace
Onboarding and induction
Dignity and respect at work
Resolving grievances
Parental leave
Bereavement leave
Code of conduct
Managing performance
Workplace investigations
Safer recruitment

Most people policies will need a procedure. The procedure tells the reader how to carry out or implement the policy through a set of instructions or easy-to-follow steps. Therefore the creation or review of your people policies would also include a procedure.


I can also write or review your employee handbook, using a tone and style that reflects your organisation’s culture and values and is clear and easy to understand.



As part of the implementation of a new or revised people policy and procedure, you may wish to develop toolkits for line managers to help them carry out the procedure. I am able to offer analysis and advice here and identify toolkits that would be helpful and develop them for you.


I believe that an implementation plan is vital for your policy to land well when launched and successfully embed in your organisation. Implementation measures will be dependent on the subject and scope of your policy but could include workshops or briefing sessions, internal communications and toolkits to ensure maximum benefits to your people and your organisation and to ensure line managers feel capable and confident. There’s no point creating a policy to be buried in the internet or sit collecting dust on a shelf – it needs to be brought alive.