Why I love writing HR policies

The shock on the face of the person in the photo is usually the reaction I get when I tell people that I love writing HR policies! But I do, I love the process from start to finish:

  1. establishing the needs, what are we trying to fix, what are we trying to make?

  2. the research - what is the latest thinking, what will make this exceptional and enhance this workplace?

  3. engaging with staff networks and other stakeholders for their input and thoughts.

  4. taking time to consider the policy’s principles, are they authentic, what are the values of the organisation, do they align?

  5. the drafting - making it easy to understand, accessible and inclusive for everyone.

  6. avoiding unintended consequences and contradictions with other published policies.

  7. having regard for relevant legislation and regulation.

  8. and the privilege and responsibility, knowing that how a policy and its procedure is drafted will make a difference between a poor or a positive experience for somebody.

  9. seeing it embedded in an organisation and making a difference.

What made me write this news item? A fellow HR professional said to me recently, ‘the thing that’s interesting about policies’, then she stopped herself and said ‘I don’t think I’ve ever said that in a sentence about HR policies’ and we laughed, because HR policies are not everyone’s bag, but luckily I’m passionate about them and I find the process of developing them really interesting….!


Jersey Evening Post feature - 25 Jan 2023


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